Discussions About Cancer

Discussions About Cancer will be meeting on Monday, October 15th, 2018, 7:00pm, at The LOFT: LGBT Community Center.

The purpose of this DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CANCER Group will be to provide a safe space for members of the LGBT and allied communities to come together and support one another on topics related to cancer. All those impacted by cancer would be welcome including those currently undergoing treatment, survivors, family members and those who have been caregivers to a cancer patient. The LGBT community is disproportionately affected by cancer.

We will be meeting on Monday, September 17th, 2018, 7:00pm, at The LOFT: LGBT Community Center.

252 Bryant Avenue, White Plains

If you would benefit from this free group but cannot attend on May 14th, share your interest with The LOFT by contacting us at: 

#914-948-2932/[email protected]/www.loftgaycenter.org

From the website www.cancer-network.org:

"These articles, written by staff and volunteers of the National LGBT Cancer Network cover a wide base of topics. Drawing on current research data, the articles are written in plain language, intended to be understandable to a broad audience who may not have a background in science, but with citations that will earn the respect of healthcare professionals."

Cancer Information