Memorial Tribute: Elijah C. Nealy

The LOFT LGBTQ+ Community Center mourns the passing of Reverend Dr. Elijah C. Nealy, a great leader, advocate, and healer to our community. We also celebrate his many incredible accomplishments.
To read more about Reverend Dr. Nealy's life, click here.

Happy Bisexuality Visibility Day!

The LOFT LGBTQ+ Community Center is PROUD to celebrate BISEXUALITY VISIBILITY DAY:

September 23, 2021!

To our Bisexual Family: We see you and we honor you!

If you are bisexual and looking for support, come learn more about the programs and services we offer including support groups, click here to learn more

Looking for additional reading resources about biweek and bisexuality? Click here


Celebrate & Support TransMission!

The LOFT is partnering with Queermark cards to support TransMission! Purchase a set of THANK U FOR COMING OUT! cards and Queermark will donate 50% of proceeds to TransMission helping to increase the number of scholarships offered.
Buy the cards, and write small notes to each of your friends who are Out, letting them know how much they mean to you! National Coming Out Day is around the corner, October 11, 2021. 

Partners in Pride

The LOFT is a Proud Member of