In Person Meeting: Al-Anon (AAC)

Please be aware that this group will now be meeting from 7-8pm. 

Image result for Al-Anon Adult Child (AAC)

Al-Anon Adult Child (AAC) is a support group for the friends and families of problem drinkers.

This group is back to meeting in person!

Rainbow Safe Haven will be using The LOFT's new hybrid technology for their group meetings. Members can join via Zoom or in person at The LOFT!


When: Al-Anon meets weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 8pm.

Location: The LOFT LGBTQ+ Community Center

Contact: [email protected] for any inquiries and to receive Zoom link 


Click to view all groups on our calendar!

December 26, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Rainbow Safe Haven ·