PRIDE: A Celebration of Queer Stories | Jacob Burns Film Center | June 1-26, 2023 | Free Tickets-Limited Supply
How amazing is it to have access to world-class cinema, and for June to enjoy queer movie after queer movie!? That's what's happening for JUNE! Our amazing business partner The Jacob Burns Film Center is offering five queer films for JUNE and we have free tickets to all of them!
They are limited supply, first come first serve, and one per registrant. Click below to see the films with Q+A's from directors and filmmakers!
Join us JUNE 1st Burns is having a Pride Street Party starting at 5:30 PM! They're taking it to the street with food trucks, info tables--and you know The LOFT will be there. The first screening, Little Richard: I am Everything will happen at 7:00 PM