Virtual Meeting: Qigong

The LOFT LGBTQ+ Community Center’s Trans Support of the Hudson Valley program presents: Qigong for the TGNCNB Communities

Wednesday mornings from 8-8:45am

This series is free to TGNCNB community members who are age 18+. A dāna is accepted for our qigong teacher for those who are able, recommended at $10 via Venmo or in-person.

We will learn a simple 9 form practice designed to gather, purify and transform our internal energy (qi). In addition to learning the form, we will discuss basic concepts of qigong and delve into some principles of qigong movement. These practices can be done standing, seated or lying down. No prior experience or props are needed and all skill levels will find something new in this practice. The complimentary course is oriented to those of the TGNCNB community and designed with folx of that identity in mind. Particular focus will be brought to TGNCNB experience and the possibilities for qigong to provide a platform for acceptance, healing and growth. 

Qigong is a very accessible, no sweat workout but it is still a physical activity. Those who RSVP will be asked to complete a waiver confirming that you feel able to participate. Participants can attend all 6 sessions or the session dates that fit with their schedule.

Teacher Bio: B. Leavitt ("believe it!") is an evolving gender fluid person who is a lawyer, parent and qigong teacher/practitioner. They have a 200-hour teaching certification from the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi. Qigong ("chee-gung") has been a vital part of B's journey and they view the practice as having profound potential for providing TGNCNB folx a safe and powerful pathway to ease and comfort in their bodies. Focusing less on the outer appearance of qigong forms and more on the inner experience of movement, B creates a fun, open and healing practice. Following this qigong series for the TGNCNB communities, B. plans to offer a series for the LGBTQ+ communities to participate in. Dates of that series are to be determined.


January 24, 2024 at 8:00am - 8:45am
LOFT Helpline · · (914) 948-2932 x13