A safe space for LGBTQ+ songwriters & performers to share music, learn, and support one another.
Bring a song or performance you're working on! Play live or send in a pre-recorded track or video.
WHEN: Thursday, April 11, from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
WHO: LGBTQ+ songwriters, performers, and musicians
WHERE: Virtual on Zoom
CONTACT: For questions, contact CRNY Artist in Residence Christina at [email protected] or (914)-948-2932 extension 18
LOFT Social Groups are open groups that welcome everyone ages 18 and over. Groups are led by members of the LGBTQ+ and allied communities.
Donations are welcome. Suggested donation is $5; more if you can, less if you can't. Fees related to activities are the responsibility of participants.
View all groups on our calendar!