Transgender Day of Remembrance


Transgender Day of Remembrance occurs annually on November 20th to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia and to draw attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender community. 

All are welcome to partake in Transgender Day of Remembrance with The LOFT community.

The LOFT's Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance Ceremony 2018 will be held

Saturday, November 17th from 4:30pm-5:30pm

This event will follow the Westchester Trans Forum: A FREE, one-day educational and community networking event centered around highlighting the needs and experiences of our local transgender and gender non-conforming communities.

Click here to learn more about the Forum and to register.

Past year's event details:

2017 Transgender Day of Remembrance Dinner

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

250/252 Bryant Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605

4pm-5:30pm: Transgender Peer Support Group at The LOFT

5:30pm-6:30pm: Transgender Day of Remembrance Ceremony in MUMC Chapel (upstairs from LOFT Center)

6:30-8:30pm: Free Community Dinner for Everyone in MUMC Narthex & Fireside Room (upstairs from LOFT Center)

 Founded in 1998 by advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith, TDOR began to commemorate members of the transgender community who were lost that year to transphobic acts of violence. Ann Smith has said, “With so many seeking to erase transgender people — sometimes in the most brutal ways possible — it is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice.”

November 17, 2018 at 4:30pm - 5:30pm
The LOFT: LGBT Community Center