Virtual Meeting: Writers Workshop

Have you ever thought about writing creatively, and would like feedback on your creative project? Do you have a novel, short story, poem, or play inside of you that you've been developing? Come and join our workshop and receive the support and feedback that can help you get to that next level with your creative project!



Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this group will be meeting virtually until further notice. (Click here to learn more)


  • The Writers Workshop has become a VIRTUAL PROGRAM (with some selected times in the year for in-person gatherings).
  • Workshops are held every 3rd Wednesday of each month (There are exceptions) from 7:30-9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
  • If you are looking to have your work reviewed, you need to submit your work by no later than the 2nd Wednesday and participate in the critique process.
  • Submitting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month gives everyone a week to read all the submissions and produce critiques for everyone's work.  Once you submit your work you too will receive access to the submissions where you will also need to prepare a brief critique on every piece of work submitted. (You'll also receive a guide for writing critiques--it's really easy and a quick read).
  • That 3rd Wednesday we will all meet and collectively review everyone's submission, writer by writer. Everyone will have a chance to weigh in and offer their assessment in a friendly and constructive atmosphere.  All writers who submit work for review are required to also attend, participate and produce critiques for all other submissions in order to receive their critiques and feedback.

The LOFT Writers Workshop meets on the third Wednesday of every month from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. 


The Writers Workshop accepts most creative projects including but not limited to fiction novels, non-fiction, memoir, essays, short stories, poetry, comic strips, screenplays, etc...  The most common work that has been submitted by writers is fiction projects (novels and short stories) and poetry. While not a requirement, we do encourage submissions to contain LGBTQ+ themes.  One of the great benefits of LGBTQ+ writing spaces is receiving feedback from writers who are centered with an LGBTQ+ identity and can offer insight and perspective that can enhance the quality of your project.

Please note the submission length will vary from month to month.  To join a workshop, learn about the submission length and other details, or if you have questions please contact [email protected]


2023 Schedule- ALL VIRTUAL:

**IMPORTANT: PLEASE read the submission guidelines carefully.  Failure to comply with the length and standards can result in a return of your submission.**

Workshop Month Submission Due by  Workshop (7:30 pm-9:00 pm) EST Submission Length/standards
May 2nd Wed: 5/10, midnight  3rd Wed: 5/17

Standard Submission: 6 pages, Double spaced, 12 pt font, standard margins

(Does not include brief paragraph that summarizes/explains work)

The Writers Workshop Is A VIRTUAL PROGRAM


Call The LOFT's Helpline at (914) 948-2932 x13 if you have any questions about the group!

LOFT Social Groups are open groups that welcome everyone ages 18 and over. Groups are led by members of the LGBTQ+ and allied communities. There is no need to preregister and no fee to attend.
Donations are welcome. Suggested donation is $5; more if you can, less if you can't. Fees related to activities are the responsibility of participants.

Click to view all groups on our calendar!

November 15, 2023 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Jeffrey Guard ·