David Bohnett Cyber Center

The LOFT's David Bohnett Cyber Center is open weekdays when the center is open, and on some weekend hours.

The LOFT’s David Bohnett CyberCenter, complete with six workstations, is located in The LOFT’s Library, and is open during normal LOFT hours. The David Bohnett CyberCenter maintains full MS Office support, WiFi connection (for you laptop users, too), and a host of programs you can use. 

CyberCenter has been made possible by a grant from The David Bohnett Foundation. Located in cities throughout the U.S., they offer free access to the Internet and computer classes for the traditionally underserved LGBTQ+ community. The CyberCenters also serve as a hub for educational opportunities for seniors and youth.

The first CyberCenter was opened in 1998 at the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center. Its mission of providing software training, classes and Internet access inside a comfortable, informal environment proved so successful that it served as a blueprint for all CyberCenters around the nation. Most CyberCenters are located inside an LGBTQ+ community center that serves the local area where they are located.

David Bohnett and the David Bohnett Foundation are committed to improving society through social activism by providing funding, state-of-the-art technology and technical support to innovative organizations and institutions that, in addition to meeting our funding guidelines, share our vision. The LOFT is one of those organizations, and our center houses four computer terminals and a large-screen monitor for classroom instruction.


Contact: [email protected] or (914)-948-2932 extension 13


"My vision in creating Cyber Centers is to provide the local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community access to computers and the Internet in order to encourage self-expression and individual development." - David Bohnett

Donations are welcome. Suggested donation is $5; more if you can, less if you can't. To donate, click here or text The LOFT to 44321.