During this time, it is important to remember that LGBTQ New Yorkers are protected from discrimination along a variety of criterion.
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund has prepared Know Your Rights guide for transgender and non-binary people who are grappling with questions related to employment, housing, health care, identification, and accessing assistance from government agencies among other issues. The guide is available in both English and Español.
Additionally, TLDEF has developed a separate New York State guide for transgender and non-binary people who live in the Empire State. The resource was produced by TLDEF, New York Trans Advocacy Group (NYTAG) and the TransLatinx Network.
- A Know Your Rights Guide for Transgender People Navigating COVID-19 (PDF)
- Una guía para que las personas transgénero navegando la COVID-19 conozcan sus derechos (PDF)
New York State
- A Know Your Rights Guide for Transgender New Yorkers Navigating COVID-19 (PDF)
- Una guía para que los neoyorquinos transgénero navegando la COVID-19 conozcan sus derechos (PDF)
The guides are accurate as of March 29, 2020. Both resources may be periodically updated by TLDEF’s legal team as the response to COVID-19 continues to evolve.
The guides are dedicated to the memory of Lorena Borjas.
In the face of the COVID-19 outbreak, a group of medical students from NYMC has come together to create a comprehensive collection of information about the virus as well as social resources available to residents of Westchester County. The “COVID-19 Westchester Community Resources” document can be accessed here and a shortened information sheet can be found here.